Dr Mark Gilbert
Dr Mark Gilbert is a FACEM and co-director of EDme. He has
a long held interest in medical education. In addition to
the EDme courses, he has instructed on ICU "Basic"
courses, "EMST" courses, and Obstetric "PROMPT" courses.
He is a reviewer of Doctors with "general" scope of
registration for the NZMC. He has a special interest in
Ultrasound and Echo in the ED, and in Human Factors in
emergency medicine.

Dr Claire Dillon
Dr Claire Dillon is a FACEM and co-director of EDme. She
works as an Emergency Physician in a tertiary referral
Emergency Department. Claire has previous experience as a
DEMT and is currently on the NZ ACEM WBA panel. She is
also employed by the University of Otago (Christchurch) as
senior lecturer teaching clinical skills to undergraduate
medical students.

Dr Laura Joyce
Course Director for Fellowship courses
Dr Laura Joyce successfully passed the
Fellowship Exam during the first sitting of the new format
in 2015.1. She is passionate about medical education and
is actively involved in fellowship teaching in
Christchurch, with a special interest in Simulation
Medicine, both in the sim-lab and in-situ on the ED floor.
She is an APLS course director and instructor, and senior
lecturer in Emergency Medicine with University of Otago.

Dr Jacques Loubser
Course Director for Ultrasound courses
Dr Jacques Loubser is a FACEM and Clinical Lead in
Ultrasound at Christchurch Hospital Emergency Department.
He is passionate about anything that makes medicine safer
for patients while giving more certainty in diagnosis as
well as making the diagnostic process more efficient,
satisfying and fun. Ultrasound in medicine ticks all these
boxes and will continue to grow as a field. He is actively
promoting ultrasound education and accreditation and loves
seeing newly acquired skills play a role in patient care.

Karen Brown
AdministratorKaren Brown has 30yrs experience in hospital
administration, most of that in the busy arena of the
Emergency Department. She also runs the administration
side of a private company. Her passions include
photography, open water swimming, tramping and box
fitness. She loves working in a team based environment.
Dr Jan Bone
Emergency Physician
Dr Jan Bone has been a FACEM since 2001. She is passionate
about medical education and is actively involved in
fellowship teaching in Christchurch, with a special
interest in Simulation Medicine. She is a member of the
ACEM Fellowship OSCE working group and is an ACEM
Dr Lyn Pugh
Emergency Physician
Dr Lyn Pugh is a FACEM who passed the Fellowship exam in
its new format in 2015.1. She is actively involved in the
fellowship teaching programme in Christchurch and in
teaching on a number of multi-disciplinary educational
courses including CORE and PROMPT. She has a long standing
interest in medical education.
Dr Dave Dixon
Emergency Physician
Dr Dave Dixon is a FACEM who passed the fellowship at the
2015.1 sitting. He is actively involved in the fellowship
program at Christchurch hospital and previously in
Dunedin. He has a keen interest in simulation training,
medical education, ultrasound and rural medicine.
Dr Suzi Hamilton
Emergency Physician
Dr Suzi Hamilton passed the Fellowship exam in 2016.2 on
the first attempt having gone through the Christchurch
fellowship teaching program. She is now paying it back,
involved in RMO and fellowship teaching in Christchurch
and an instructor for ETM (Emergency Trauma Management)
and RISC (Rural Inter-professional Simulation Course). She
is passionate about helping others achieve their potential
hence is part of the ACEM mentoring committee and the CDHB
education committee. She has previously been an editor of
the EMA journal and has been a Trainee Representative for
the ACEM.
Dr David Richards
Emergency Physician
Dr David Richards is a FACEM who passed his exam in the
last millennia. He was DEMT at Christchurch, and ran the
successful Primary Examination course for several years.
David is currently clinical director of Christchurch
Hospital Emergency Department. He has been on examination
sub-committees for over 10 years, and has been an examiner
for ACEM since 2007. He is currently deputy chair of the
Fellowship MCQ/EMQ subcommittee.
Professor Mike Ardagh
Emergency Physician
Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of
Otago, Christchurch, Specialist in Emergency Medicine and
Clinical Lead for Hospital HealthPathways at the
Canterbury District Health Board. In relation to education
and ACEM examinations, he passed earlier iterations of the
primary and fellowship exams, he has been DEMT in
Christchurch, ACEM Censor and Councillor for NZ, convenor
and teacher of primary and fellowship examination
programmes, convenor and teacher of undergraduate
emergency medicine modules, instructor for EMST/ATLS, APLS
and CCrISP courses, and member of the Education Committee
of the Medical Council of NZ. Less relevant but somewhat
related, he completed a PhD in bioethics and he was the
National Clinical Director of Emergency Department
Services with the NZ Ministry of Health, from the
instigation of the position in 2009 until 2015.
Rex de Ryke
Charge SonographerHe is current Chair of NZASUM and was appointed an ASUM
Director in 2016. He received an honorary ASUM fellowship
and humanitarian award in 2012. Rex is a passionate about
all aspects of clinical ultrasound, with special interests
in fetal medicine, fetal echo, and emergency medicine
ultrasound. As well as his extensive clinical roles, Rex
is involved in ongoing Sonographer education, is an
examiner for ASUM, and is working with the Otago
University in the development of a post-graduate
ultrasound qualification. He has presented at numerous
national conferences and meetings, and has authored and
co-authored several research papers and case
presentations. A current focus is coordinating and
supporting PoCUS ultrasound service provision within the
CDHB, and the greater NZ community, with an emphasis on
quality service provision with image recording, review and
audit. He acts as a link between the more formal imaging
undertaken within the Radiology department and the many
departments and subspecialties performing PoCUS
CDHB Resuscitation Service
Sharon Owen and Penny Ingram have been the "faces" of the
CDHB Resuscitation Service since 2008. Their role includes
overseeing and supporting the delivery of both basic and
advanced resuscitation training throughout the CDHB. They
both have a passion for quality, multi-professional
education and simulation that is realistic, fun, and makes
a difference to practise in the clinical setting.
Visiting Faculty
In addition to our Christchurch Emergency Physicians we have on faculty a wide range of experts from Radiology, Obstetrics, Resuscitation specialists, and Emergency physicians from around New Zealand and Australia.